Wild Oceans

Secured top media coverage and interviews in print, tv and radio for the innovative and leading South African environmental conservation project, Wild Oceans, to amplify their call for increased marine protection.

Wild Oceans aims to persuade decision-makers to increase South Africa’s marine protected areas from 5% to 10%.

The Wits RHI Trans Health Centres

Drive demand for quality primary healthcare for the transgender and gender-diverse community by bringing to life communication materials that speak to belonging, safety and empowerment.

The Wits RHI Trans Health Centres are pioneering dedicated and tailored primary healthcare service for the marginalised transgender and gender-diverse communities in South Africa.

The Tshemba Foundation

Crafted compelling messages and design, as well as restructured communication channels to best tell the Tshemba story.

The Tshemba Foundation is a medical volunteering programme that attracts healthcare professionals to volunteer and support rural healthcare in South Africa.

The Breast Health Foundation

Strategically led an initiative with the Breast Health Foundation, multiple NGOs and government stakeholders to build sustainable models of care and bring breast care to women in rural areas who otherwise remain undiagnosed and untreated.

The Breast Health Foundation is a leading NGO educating on breast cancer and breast health in South Africa.
View their website

Reach for a Dream

Strategically reviewed Reach for a Dream’s impact, by conceptualising and bringing to life “Dream Rooms” across the country to inspire doctors to believe in the power of hope, and increase dream referrals.

Reach for a Dream have been fulfilling dreams for children with life-threatening illnesses across South Africa for over 33 years.
View their website

Wild Oceans

Secured top media coverage and interviews in print, tv and radio for the innovative and leading South African environmental conservation project, Wild Oceans, to amplify their call for increased marine protection.

Wild Oceans aims to persuade decision-makers to increase marine protected area from 5% to 10%.
View their website

The Wits RHI Trans* Health Centres

Drive demand for quality primary healthcare for the transgender and gender-diverse community by bringing to life communication materials that speak to belonging, safety and empowerment.

The Wits RHI Trans Health Centres are pioneering dedicated and tailored primary healthcare service for the marginalised transgender and gender-diverse communities in South Africa.
View their website

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